Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes Related Items. Provide help resources for students: See the student help information at Respondus’s own support resource pages for both Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor. Create a practice exam so that all instructors, TAs, and students to try out the process. (This is probably the most important thing to ensure there aren’t problems with Respondus. MyVCCS - Virginia's Community Colleges. Click 'Need help?' To reset password. LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the exam environment within specific learning and assessment systems. When LockDown Browser is used during an online exam, you are unable to go to other URLs, switch applications, take screenshots, copy questions or print. Download Respondus LockDown Browser. Download the latest Emory installer for Respondus LockDown Browser. Notes on LockDown Browser. Respondus Lockdown Browser does not work on Chromebooks; You must have a webcam and a reliable, high-speed internet connection to use Respondus Monitor; Most Respondus problems are due to one of the following.
- Due Sep 24 at 11:59pm
- Points10
- Questions10
- Available Sep 18 at 12am - Sep 29 at 11:59pm 12 days
- Time Limit 10 Minutes
- Requires Respondus LockDown Browser
Emory Respondus Lockdown Browser For Mac
Read each question carefully. Fill in the blank(s) with the correctly spelled word(s) or phrase(s), or choose the correct answer(s). The correct answers will not be revealed until after the due date. This is a closed book, closed notes, no outside resources, and individual assignment. The honor code is in effect.